Biyernes, Mayo 16, 2014

Contest Rules and Guidelines

Poster- Making Competition, My World Forum and Exhibit

August 9, 2014


Before the Contest

1.      A participating school shall choose their own participants for the competition.
*Category A: Elementary – not more than 4 participants
*Category B: Secondary – not more than 4 participants
2.      There will be 4 MDG’s per category and these are as follows:
 *Category A: Elementary (1 pupil = 1 MDG)
                        MDG 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
                        MDG 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education
                        MDG 3: Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women
                        MDG 7: Ensure Environmental Sustainability
*Category B: Secondary (1 pupil = 1 MDG)
                        MDG 4: Reduce Child Mortality
                        MDG 5: Improve Maternal Health
                        MDG 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Other Diseases
                        MDG 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development
3.     Only 20 slots are given per MDG. The first 20 school registrants per MDG shall be accommodated. If the slots are full for a particular MDG, then the school shall select another MDG with available slots.
4.     A school may send 1 to 4 (not more than 4) participants, for as long as there are still available slots for the MDG.
5.      All of the participants and coaches, if there are any, shall read before the competition the attached UNMDG primer provided by JCI-Kagayhaan Gold.  It is important that ALL participants are familiar of ALL of the 8 MDGs but please do focus on the MDGs assigned per category (please read again instruction #2). This is to give the participants an idea on the concepts they need to show on their artwork during the contest proper. Coaches can give points on how the participants can go about their artwork.
6.      Before the contest will start, there will be a focused discussion about the MDG that they were assigned to. This is to further educate them on the concept that they will work on. THEIR ARTWORK SHOULD SHOW THE MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOAL assigned to them.
7.      All artwork MUST BE DONE BY THE PARTICIPANTS. The participants must be bonafide students of a public school in the city. ID shall be presented, or any form of evidence, during registration.

Contest Proper

1.      On the day of the Competition, the participants shall each bring the following materials:
Registration Form
20”x30” cartolina
Oil Pastel (in different colors)
Pencil, Eraser, Ruler
                        Materials not stated above are not allowed.
2.      On the day of Competition, which will happen on August 9, 2014, EACH participant of each school shall RANDOMLY select (through “draw lots or bunotan”) the MDG that they will work on and they shall proceed to the room assigned to them.
For example, if Participant #1 of CDO Elementary School has drawn (“bunot”) the “Reduce Child Mortality” MDG, he/she shall proceed to the room assigned to the indicated MDG. That means, the participant will create an artwork with the MDG “Reduce Child Mortality” as theme. This is the same for the rest of the participants.
3.      The following are the question the participants have to think about before creating their artwork.
·                  What is the MDG all about? (Example: What is the “Achieving Primary Education” all about?”)
·                  Why is it important to address the MDG?
·                  What do people do to address the MDG?
·                  What can I do as a student to help in the attainment of the MDG?
4.      Art Specifications:
·         Horizontal or Vertical design
·         20”x30” illustration board
·         Must be hand drawn.
·         Use the following materials: Pencil, Eraser, Oil Pastel
·         Do not use any other materials not stated in the guidelines.
·         The name of the participant and the name of the school should be written legibly at the back of the poster. 
·         The name of the MDG should also be written in the poster.
5.      The artwork must NOT display, encourage or incite any dangerous, hazardous, or unlawful behavior.
6.      The artwork should be creative, interesting, and meaningful.
7.      The artwork should showcase the ways and means that would impact towards the achievement of the UNMDGs.
8.      The artwork should give focus to the specific MDG assigned to the participant, avoiding general presentations.
9.      The poster should be finished in a maximum of 3 hours. A timekeeper will be assigned to signal the students when to stop.


The Coaches, while the competition is going on, shall attend a MYWORLD FORUM organized by JCI Kagayhaan Gold. This will only take about 30 minutes. For the High school students, this will happen before the competition will start.


1.      All artwork shall be submitted by the participants.
2.      The artworks shall be given to the judges for rating. The rubric for rating the artworks is attached. The decision of the judges shall be final and irrevocable.

3.      All entries/posters submitted shall be owned by JCI Kagayhaan Gold or by one of the sponsors of the contest. The posters shall be auctioned in an exhibit on April 11-22, 2014 at the Limketkai Mall. Funds raised during the auction shall be used for the community development programs of JCI Kagayhaan Gold, focusing on Education. 

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